Sustainability in the Community
Sustainable Development is supported by three pillars: economic viability, protection and preservation of the planet, and social equity. By equally meeting the requirements of the three pillars we can develop a St. Louis that will not leave present or future generations behind. Find out how you can make a difference on Maryville University’s campus or in the St. Louis community!

“With a healthy environment all our lives are enriched— without it our lives are diminished. The environment is and will always be number one— One Life, One World, Our Future.”
Arron Wood,
Environmental Activist
Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne
To learn more on sustainability in St Louis click the links below:
No Hunger
Sustainable Development focuses on reaching several goals, and one of those goals is no hunger in the world. There are several programs in St. Louis that work toward bringing an end to food insecurity. Use the link created by the USDA that highlights food deserts!
Clean Water and Sanitation
St. Louis is home to many businesses that are determined to keep the water clean and flowing in our community. Missouri’s Sewer District runs a program called Project Clear which tackles the region’s water draining system, repairing and maintaining those systems, and working toward improving systems for future generations. Use the link to explore MSD’s Project Clear homepage!
Industry, Innovation, and Infrustructure
The Danforth Plant Science Center is one of the many resources in St. Louis that continues to bring scientists from around the world to constantly ask the question, “How can we empower others?” The largest nonprofit organization of its kind, Danforth continues to strive for innovative technologies that could be the answer one day. Click the link to learn more about the technology and science researched at the Danforth Plant Science Center!
Local Business
Dedicated to Spotlighting local organizations that reflect the overall values and goals of Maryville Goat Day
Goat Yoga of Missouri
Click the link below to explore the wonderful organization of Goat Yoga of Missouri LLC, a company dedicated to connecting visitors and nature and bringing agritourism to farming communities.
Goats on the Go
Click the link below to explore Goats on the go LLC, a company dedicated to using sustainable measure to combat invasive species. Learn about Goat Herd rental and the many projects this company has tackled.

Sustainability in Missouri
Every sustainable development plan uses partnerships among governement bodies, private businesses, and civil society in order to equally satisfy the three pillars of sustainability. Missouri Coalition for the Evironment is a great example of a state-level advocacy organization serving as a voice for the people while delivering important information to Missourians across the state about their communities. Visit MCE’s website to discover how they advocate and listen to Missourians!